Policies to better service YOU
I aim to give you the best service in a relaxing and safe environment therefore it is in everyone’s best interest I have put in place some policies so I can better service you:
Cancellations and/or Running Late Policy
I understand we all lead very busy lives and I will always make myself available (during business hours) so to make sure no one misses out on their appointment I just ask that you give 24 hours notice if you cannot make an appointment or if you are running late by more than 5-10 minutes to call me so I can help you with rescheduling so you don't miss out on getting your appointment and the client after you isn't inconvenienced either.
Very Important:
Cancellations and Rescheduling of appointments:
If you need to cancel your appointment it would be greatly appreciated that there is 24 hours notice.
I am committed to making your treatment a delicious experience, your cancellation of less that 24 hours effects my time and effort in preparing for your treatment and disadvantages other clients.
So please give the All Bronzed Up 24 hours notice so I can continue to provide the very best treatments to ALL of our clients. a **A 50% cancellation fee will apply if appointment changed or cancelled inside 24hours.
**For any services costing $50 and over will now require a 50% non refundable deposit/booking fee to hold the booking.(if you need to reschedule outside 24hours to another day/time the amount will be transfered to that day/time).
Thank you for your understanding.
Concern Policy
Any concerns about a tan/treatment you receive from me please do not hesitate to contact me so I can assist to rectify/eliminate your concern. For any tan concerns I ask that you get back to me within 2 days so I can see what has happened and if so do a respray otherwise I won't know how to fix it or learn from the experience as there are few reasons why a tan may not take etc like for example did you know that for some women that 2nd week between periods (the week where if you were trying to fall pregnant) for some women the tan doesn't take and should be avoided, now this doesn't happen to everyone just something to keep in mind. Also some medications, pregnancy hormones, puberty can affect a tan, again this may not happen to everyone and it may not happen all the time, just keep it in mind.
You all know how much I love Children however it has been bought to my attention that due to Work Health & Safety and Insurance policies Children are not allowed in the retreat. Everything in a retreat is either hot, sharp, or poisonous and young minds are distracted too easily while you are enjoying a service here at All Bronzed UP. Please arrange for your child to be looked after away from the retreat as there is no waiting room available, this way I can then give You the "One on One service" you have paid for
Sugaring appointments
Please note all sugaring prices are for 1st time and every 4 week rebooking, if you leave it longer to come back for waxing there is an increase of $$ at 6 weeks and $$ at 7 weeks (ask me for the individual costs)......... this is due to more time and product need to get out hair that has been shaven or left too long.
Kind Regards
Vikki Williamson
Beauty & Relaxation Retreat